+86-0533-8299008 13280657534


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发布日期:2020-05-08 09:52 浏览次数:
Super absorbent polymers because it has a large amount of water, water retention ability and many properties of polymer, such as mechanical properties, plasticity, rapid development in the past twenty years, has been widely used in various industries, such as agricultural fields of disposable sanitary products.
一次性卫生用品是高分子吸水树脂最主要和较成熟的应用领域,约占高分子吸水树脂总用量的70%-80% ,包括婴幼儿护理卫生用品、妇女护理卫生用品和成人失禁卫生用品。由于上述产品所处理的液体不是简单的水,而是含有盐、矿物质等混合物。所以,我们在测试高分子吸水树脂和尿裤时使用的是生理盐水,以更符合实际使用时的状况。
Disposable hygiene products is the main absorbent polymer resin and mature applications, accounting for the total amount of super absorbent polymers 70%-80%, including infant care and health supplies, health care products and adult incontinence women health supplies. The liquid treated by the above product is not a simple water, but contains a mixture of salts and minerals. So, we use the normal saline to test the polymer absorbent resin and diaper pants, which is more in line with the actual use of the situation.
Technical requirements of paper diaper
纸尿裤是以木浆和高分子吸水树脂为主构成的吸收芯体,以及无纺布、粘合剂等组成。消费者对纸尿裤的要求是婴儿穿戴时不产生渗漏和吸水及保水性,并使婴儿皮肤表面干爽,穿戴舒适。纸尿裤生产商对纸尿裤产品的性能要求主要表现在保水性能,穿渗速度,液体扩散和防漏等。而纸尿裤的原材料对纸尿裤的每一种性能所作的贡献是不同的,如表面导流层的无妨布对穿渗速度,液体扩散范围影响比较大,而高分子吸水树脂会对纸尿裤等回渗性能产生比较大的影响,大约有70% 的贡献来自吸收树脂。
Diapers are absorbent core made of wood pulp and macromolecule absorbent resin, and non-woven fabrics, adhesives and other components. The demand for diapers is that the baby does not produce leakage, water absorption and water retention when wearing, and makes the baby's skin dry and comfortable. The performance requirements of diaper manufacturers are mainly water retention, penetration rate, liquid diffusion and leak proof. The raw materials for each performance of diapers diapers contribution is different, such as the surface layer of fine cloth to wear diversion infiltration velocity, the liquid diffusion range of relatively large impact, but on super absorbent polymers such as diapers infiltration properties have a relatively large impact, about 70% of the contribution from absorption resin.
Properties of superabsorbent polymer
高分子吸水树脂的出现带动了纸尿裤使用和生产的革命,由于它的高吸水性以及良好的保水性能使现代的一次性纸尿裤为母亲带来方便的同时也为婴儿带来干爽和舒适。吸收速率它显示高分子吸水树脂在某个时间段中最大的吸收量,一般数据是以开始的30s,60s 或180s 内1g 高分子吸水树脂所能吸收的生理盐水。吸收量:它显示1g 高分子吸水树脂最大的所能吸收的生理盐水量。
Emergence of super absorbent polymers led to the use of diapers and production revolution, due to its high water absorption and good water retention properties of the disposable diapers modern convenient but also to bring the baby dry and comfortable for the mother. The absorption rate shows the maximum absorption capacity of the polymer absorbent resin at a certain period of time. The general data is the physiological saline absorbed by the 1g superabsorbent polymer at the beginning of 30s, 60s or 180s. Absorption capacity: it shows the maximum amount of physiological salt absorbed by 1g superabsorbent polymer.
加压下的吸收量(0.70pa) :显示在受到0.7pa 压力的情况下,1g 高分子吸水树脂最大的吸收量。这是因为婴儿在很多情况下是坐着或躺着的,而这时尿液往往是在人体的压迫下吸收尿液。这种测试方式就是为了模拟并了解吸收树脂在加压下的吸收情况。保水量它显示1g 高分子吸水树脂在吸收最大的生理盐水量后经过1400 转的离心处理所能保有的最大的生理盐水量。它表示了高吸收树脂真正能保持与固定的生理盐水量。比重和颗粒分布它显示高分子吸水树脂的比重和颗粒大小以及分布情况。
The amount of absorption under pressure (0.70pa): the maximum absorption capacity of 1G superabsorbent polymer under the condition of 0.7pa pressure is shown. This is because babies are sitting or lying in a lot of times, and urine is often absorbed under the pressure of the human body. This test is designed to simulate and understand the absorption of the absorbing resin under pressure. The water holding capacity shows that the maximum amount of normal saline can be maintained by centrifugal absorption after the maximum amount of normal saline is absorbed by the 1g polymer absorbent resin. It indicates that the high absorption resin can really maintain and maintain a normal amount of physiological saline. Specific gravity and particle size distribution show the specific gravity, particle size and distribution of polymer absorbent resin.
There are different characteristics on the performance contribution of these diapers, so we do not think that a certain high data is a good product, but relatively speaking, the amount of water retention and absorption under pressure is more important.
The function of diaper performance
In terms of the requirements of diapers and the role of polymer absorption resins in diapers, the water absorption and the absorption under pressure are important performance. The second is water absorption rate and water absorption. Now the diaper industry, whether manufacturers or distributors of diapers diapers are very concerned about the water absorption rate, that fast is good paper diaper Absorbent Diapers, diaper manufacturers will especially water absorption rate as the only standard to evaluate the quality of super absorbent polymers, produce a misleading development in this paper.
We analyze the diapers chip, we can find that there are two kinds of raw materials: high polymer water absorbent resin and wood pulp. A tree with high absorbent polymer water absorption and high water absorption quantity characteristics, water quantity and its water holding capacity is several times the pulp, and pulp together with good dispersion effect of capillary, guide high water absorption rate, which is about 5-6 times of polymer water absorbent resin. Therefore, the performance of both of them is complementary, and the appropriate ratio and the mixture of diapers chip can achieve the best absorption rate and the amount of water retention.
It is found that the absorption rate of polymer absorbent resin with high initial absorption rate is not increased after a very short period of time, which leads to the problem of polymer polymer gel separation. Superabsorbent polymer is a kind of polymer with a certain degree of crosslinking on the surface of particles.
When it absorbs the liquid particles and the rapid expansion of the decline in mechanical strength, and surface adhesive paste produced, if the surface adhesion is serious with each other will have to prevent the liquid absorption and expansion through gaps between the particles, the absorption rate tends to stagnate, its long-term absorption capacity and absorption ability will produce many more problems in second, diapers and third times of infiltration will be relatively high, the first time it can only absorb the baby's urine, after 2~3h baby again after urination will be because of the barrier gel absorption is poor, can not guarantee the baby's skin is dry and lose its real effect.
Therefore, too much attention to the absorption rate can not choose a water absorbent resin, the higher absorption rate of diapers is not better, but compared with the diapers market segment has to choose a water absorbent resin absorption of different water retention and under pressure, at the same time with the pulp and surface layer
+86-0533-8299008 13280657534